This book is critical and essential for all developing minds. It is knowledge of the true his-tory of civilization. It will give a much greater respect for the contributions to civilization of persons from African descent and how we all share the same goals of peace, harmony, truth, balance, order, reciprocity, and propriety for success. Learning the history and teachings of our ancestors will lead to greater peace, success and understanding for all. I hope you enjoy this book. I hope it inspires, motivates and teaches you to pursue your passion with excellence, consistency, and persistency. It is my hope you will also share this beautiful history and legacy with others.
Dr. Daniel Laroche is an author and glaucoma specialist in New York, Director of Glaucoma Services and President of Advanced Eyecare of New York. Dr. Laroche is a nationally recognized ophthalmologist as the former Chair of the Ophthalmology Section for the National Medical Association.
Dr. Laroche has taken care of thousands of patients and specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Dr. Laroche has performed thousands of glaucoma surgeries using the latest techniques and helped broaden many young surgeons understanding of the latest in the medical, laser and surgical treatments of glaucoma.
This book educates and empowers young boys and men of African descent about their history, heritage and legacy. Dr. Laroche connects history to the present-day life experiences and challenges of the Black Man to instill self-confidence and personal growth to succeed.
How to Be a Successful Black Man shares the beginnings of the journey to learn more about the glorious history of the Nile Valley, Kemet and Kush and incorporate the teaching of Ancient African History sharing the teachings of the late Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke, and the late Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan. Their many scholarly literary works on the African origin and history of spirituality, science, culture. The scholarly teachings of Jabari and Anika Osaze with the Shrine of MAAT for their work in rebuilding the Kemetic legacy.
Este libro educa y empodera a los niños y hombres de ascendencia
africana sobre su historia, herencia y legado. El Dr. Laroche conecta la
historia con las experiencias de la vida actual y los desafíos del
hombre negro para inculcar la confianza en sí mismo y el crecimiento
personal para tener éxito.
Cómo ser un hombre negro exitoso
comparte los inicios de la trayectoria para aprender más sobre la
gloriosa historia del valle del Nilo, Kemet y Kush e incorporar la
enseñanza de la historia africana antigua compartiendo por las
enseñanzas de los ya fallecidos Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. John Henrik
Clarke, y Yosef Ben Jochannan. Sus obras literarias académicas sobre el
origen africano y la historia de la espiritualidad, la sociedad y la
cultura han sido inspiradores en mi éxito y conocimiento de mí mismo.
Las enseñanzas académicas de Jabari y Anika Osaze con el Santuario de
MAAT por su trabajo en la reconstrucción del legado kemético tambiénhan
sido muy importante.
Ce livre éduque et responsabilise les jeunes garçons et les hommes d'ascendance africaine sur leur histoire, leur héritage et leur héritage. Le Dr Laroche relie l'histoire aux expériences de vie et aux défis actuels de l'homme noir pour inculquer la confiance en soi et la croissance personnelle pour réussir.
Comment être un homme noir qui réussit partage les débuts du voyage pour en savoir plus sur l'histoire glorieuse de la vallée du Nil, de Kemet et de Kush et intègre l'enseignement de l'histoire africaine ancienne en partageant les enseignements de feu le Dr Ivan Van Sertima, le regretté Dr John Henrik Clarke et feu Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan. Leurs nombreux ouvrages littéraires savants sur l'origine africaine et l'histoire de la spiritualité, de la science, de la culture. Les enseignements savants de Jabari et Anika Osaze avec le sanctuaire de MAAT pour leur travail de reconstruction de l'héritage kémétique.
Este livro educa e capacita meninos e homens de ascendência africana sobre sua história, herança e legado. O Dr. Laroche conecta a história às experiências e desafios da vida atual do homem negro para incutir autoconfiança e crescimento pessoal para ter sucesso.
Como Ser um Homem Negro de Sucesso compartilha o início da jornada para aprender mais sobre a gloriosa história do Vale do Nilo, Kemet e Kush e incorporar o ensino da História da África Antiga, compartilhando os ensinamentos do falecido Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, o falecido Dr. John Henrik Clarke, e o falecido Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan. Seus muitos trabalhos literários acadêmicos sobre a origem africana e a história da espiritualidade, ciência e cultura. Os ensinamentos acadêmicos de Jabari e Anika Osaze com o Santuário do MAAT por seu trabalho na reconstrução do legado Kemetic
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